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The Competent Coach - L1Part 2 

This program has met the ICF standards and requirements of a level 1 accreditation program". It is the second 40 hours of the OLC Institute. This course along with The Primer Course constitutes the L1 offering of 70 hours. 

The Organizational Leadership Coaching® COMPETENT COACH COURSE is the second of three training blocks to build on basic coaching competencies and apply advanced tools, methods and practices to help emerging leaders and train coaches. The Competent Coach Manual, which serves as the text for the OLC Competent Coaching Course, covers the skills of Capitalizing on Personality Development, Sculpturing Legacy Leadership, Harnessing Insightful Intuition, Facilitating Effective Change Processes and Integrating Emotional /Social Intelligence into the coaching encounter.   Book three (The Professional Coach Course) adds coaching skills to embed best practices, personal foundation building and more advanced techniques and methods.  At the conclusion of the trilogy students will be prepared to engage the International Coaching Federations (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA)


Intermediate Coaching



ICF Level

Level 1

40 Hours of Training


Change Process

Personality Assessment
Coaching Strategy

Emotional Intelligence

Legacy Leadership

ICF Competencies

PCC Markers





Welcome to the Organizational Leadership Coaching® Institute.  The Competent Coach Course: is the second major training step into the world of coaching and is intended to provide advanced skills toward solid coaching competency.  The Competent Coach enters the mystery aspects of coaching and inspires coaches to coach at the edge of awareness that moves toward essence in a more rapid and efficient manner.   This course explores the nuances of coaching practice and pushes to extend the coaches intuitive ability and knowledge of coaching theory. The terminal learning objective is to produce coaches that have solid coaching abilities in his/her DNA and approach each session from a position of confidence and competence.  


As you traverse this course you will note a more intense style of observation on your coaching practices.  Our aim is to sharpen your skills and to provide concrete ways to make your coaching more efficient and effective.  We do this by providing lots of practice opportunities and formal feedbacks along the continuum of the International Coach Federation (ICF) Standards.   We advise you to keep a journal of your feedback suggestions and to be prepared to advise the mentor coach of what elements for improvement you are working on before you launch into each coaching session.  By the end of the course you should be coaching solidly at the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) level and progressing toward the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) standards.


This Institute is about training coaches to walk along side “leaders (Coachees) in motion” to clear the way for continued movement without the interjection of personal preference and bias.  We continue our warning that “imparting information or pushing a preference of the coach will be highly discouraged.”  We apologize in advance for cutting you off while coaching and pointing out what we call cutting horse maneuvers or filling in the blanks with your (well-intended) helpful information.  The reason we make this proclamation is our experience informs us that the closer you are to the imparting information or pushing a preference (coaching infractions) the better you can see it and make corrections. 


Course Major Content 


The OLC Competent Coaching Course, covers the skills of Capitalizing on Personality Development, Sculpturing Legacy Leadership, Harnessing Insightful Intuition, Facilitating Effective Change Processes and Integrating Emotional /Social Intelligence into the coaching encounter.  This is the second 40 hours of our L1 offering and along with The Primer Course constitute the L1 offering of 70 hours. This program is pending approval at the ICF.


Course Objectives


  • Learn and practice the Coaching Skills of Targeting Language, Propelling Messages, Motivating Acknowledgements & Momentum Celebrations

  • Ponder and strategize personal foundations to show up whole in the coaching encounter   

  • Look at Personality Instruments to broaden your options for understanding your coachee & teams

  • Investigate the rolls Intuition, Curiosity, Strategy, Change & EQ play in the coaching encounter

  • Review the OLC Coaching Principles and Best Practices

  • Identify and practice coaching skills


The Competent Coaching Course 

Weekly Virtual Topic Outline

Session One

–  Introductions

–  Overview

Session Two

–  Using Targeting Language

–  ICF Core Competencies

–  Coaching Definitions/Background

–  Coaching Thru Dialogue Model

Session Three

–  Delivering Propelling Messages

Session Four

–  Maintaining Personal Foundation

Session Five

–  Facilitating Effective Change

Session Six

–  Designing Strategy Development

Session Seven

–  Pursuing Accountability/Responsibility

–  Making Momentum Celebrations

Session Eight

–  Sculpturing Leadership Development

Session Nine

–  Capitalizing on Personality Preferences

Session Ten

–  Harnessing Insightful Intuition

–  Coaching the “Who” vs “What”

Session Eleven

–  OLC Principles/Practices/Covenants

–  Emotional Intelligence That Motivates

Session Twelve

–  Offering Motivating Acknowledgements

–  Course Objective Review/Evaluation


The Competent Coaching Course 

Session Overviews


Section Four – Advanced Skills, Facilitating Change & Designing Strategy (9) 


The Competent Coach Course Introduction and Review (1 ½) Synchronous


The introduction starts with student introductions, course expectations, course objectives and another overview of the OLC Institute Coach Training System. A brief review is conducted that centers on the Coaching Dialogue Model along with a reminder of the OLC Coaching Principles and the creation of a Positive Coaching Culture. Featured here also are the OLC Top 10 Pitfalls in Coaching that captures the essence of the important coaching boundaries emphasized in The Primer Coaching Course. Coaches are then ask to give testimony of their use of coaching after The Primer Course.


Advanced Skills 


Principles of Propelling Messaging (1 1/2) Synchronous


The first advanced skill in the Competent Course is that of messaging. Students are reminded that the session belongs to the coachee and that the coach’s input is to be minimal in and only to cause momentum in the session. Introducing Messaging is the shift to suggest how information (input) can be provided in the coaching session under guided and intentional means. How to Deliver Propelling Messages is explored and the various Types of Messages. Seven types of messages are introduced and crafted formulas to present each. During the session students are broken up into dyads to practice the formulas and to gain an appreciation of the structure and formula of each Message Type.


Making Momentum Celebrations (1) Synchronous


Along with the skill of Acknowledgment, students are encouraged to view Coachee Celebrations as a primary motivating tool in the coach’s bag. A definition is offered along with tailored Guidelines for Momentum Celebrations. Coaches are reminded to look for things to celebrate in the coaching session and to celebrate that momentum in such a way that it is natural and organic – tailored to the needs and style of the coachee. The session is concluded with a 20 minute coaching session (#10) that is to be focused on noting Momentous Celebration accomplishments and providing Propelling Messages if appropriate.


Designing Strategy Development (2) Synchronous


Although strategy was touched on in the Coaching Dialogue Model presentation, major emphasis is placed here on Designing Strategy and its Development. Suggested is the complexity of strategy development and how pulling pieces of seemingly fragmented data has to organized in some way to be treated for constructive conscious action. Students are reminded that the focus in each session is designed action along with some level of accountability to accomplish the action. Strategy is viewed from three perspectives: Personal Session Strategy – Personal Long Range Strategy – Organizational Vision Strategy. Students are reminded that all three levels of strategy can be going on synonymously in a session and that the management of data can be challenging.  The Steps in Designing Strategy are unpacked as well as the 7 Imperatives for Effective Strategies. The 20 minute Coaching Session (#11) in this block is to center on the third element of the Coaching Dialogue Model (Design the Strategy) and focuses on producing a well-defined session strategy with a view toward long range and organizational vision strategy.


Facilitating Effective Change Processes (1) Synchronous


Recognizing that the word “Shift” implies change, students are facilitated into the world of change and how as coach - one needs to navigate the tides of change. Change is treated from three perspectives in this block; the Complications in Change, the Motivations for Change and the Process of Change. The ground breaking work of James Procaska, John Norcross and Carlo de Clemente in “Changing for Good” is unpacked to note their view of the stages of change and the process of encouraging it. An exercise is conducted to show the process of change and how change is sometimes uncomfortable for people thus resisted. At the conclusion of the exercise thoughts are solicited on how to overcome resistance, minimize power issues, appreciate boundaries and respectfully challenge. The session is ended with a reminder to set up maintenance aspects for the changes made and suggest ways to reinforce new behavior.


Section Four - Homework Assignment after Section Four (2) Asynchronous


The homework assignment is for students to listen to Peter Senge’s lecture on “Systems Thinking and the Gap between Aspirations and Performance.” Take the MBTI with its evaluation and ponder the implications for coaching interactions and challenge. Students are to come to Section Five prepared to engage the topic of change/transition along with additional insight into one’s personality.


Section Five – Coaching Personal Foundation, Sculpturing Leadership & Capitalizing on Personality Development (8)


Section Five – Introduction (1) Synchronous


This section starts with a review presented by the selected team with the Section Four learnings. Peter Senge’s lecture is unpacked to apply its relevance to the coaching arena and dynamics for interconnectedness in dialogue/growth. The “Interconnectedness Exercise” is conducted and students are ask to envision the absence of vital people/networks and its possible impact on their lives.


Maintaining Personal Foundation (1 ½) Synchronous


Section five centers as much on how the coach shows up as to what he/she does. The questions of “Who are you?” “What is your leadership style?” and “What is your personality preference?” as you approach the coaching encounter are all on the table. Coaches are ask to look critically internally in order to facilitate effectively externally. The mantra of the session could be “you can’t take people to a place you have not been - at least in awareness.” This session is about the coach and how he/she shows up in the management and maintenance of life period. The state of mind is critical to the effectiveness of the coach and how to stay at peak performance has to be intentional on the part of coaches. The session unfolds along the movements of; Preparation (Who are you) – Integration (How you show up) – Application (What to do). After the definition is sited the session unfolds the Seven + areas of personal foundation to see how they fortify the coach’s foundation. Various instruments are used to measure the student’s present status of healthiness/wholeness and to demonstrate tools that can be used with clients in this critical area. The 20 minute coaching session (#12) following is to center around a personal foundation growth area in each coach, flushing out a strategy to improve in the foundation focus area.


Sculpturing Legacy Leadership (1) Synchronous


Recognizing that coaching is an inherent way to develop leadership, it is imperative that the coach has an intentional approach to leadership and its development. While leadership may not be the formal aim of a given session or purpose for the coaching encounter, leader development is an embedded component exponentially. OLC Offers the Legacy Leadership® Model to coaches to provide a templet for his/her personal leadership that can be offered as a model to share with clients. The 5 Best Practice of Legacy Leadership® accents the coaching culture in that its authors/creators (Lee Smith & Jeannine Sandstrom) are MCC coaches with the ICF. Additionally, coaches are ask to note the integration of coaching philosophy and technique embedded in the Legacy Leadership® practices and how they intrinsically propel the coaching competences of the ICF. The homework after this Section forms teams to ponder a LL Practice and demonstrate/teach its relevance for the coaching experience at the begging of Section Five.


Capitalizing on Personality Development (1 1/2) Synchronous


During The Primer Couse the PCSI was used to give coaches the basic awareness of personality differences and how they can affect the coaching encounter. In this block we want to go further in that awareness and to elevate additional tools and assessments that the coach can use to show personality strengths and preferences. Four Personality Inventories are presented (DISC – MBTI – Birkman – Herrman Brain Dominance) along with a brief history, the proponents/creators, theory behind the instrument, measurements, and examples of its feedback format. Students are expected to gain a basic knowledge of each tool and to evaluate which ones might be interesting for further study and or use. The homework results of the MBTI are processed and applied to the context and relevance of the coaching experience.


Coaching the “WHO” verses “WHAT” (1 ½) Synchronous


On the tail end of the reflections on personality differences, the subject of coaching the “Who” verse “What” is elevated. All along in both courses this concept has been alluded to but this session is dedicated to its exploration. In The Primer Course students/coaches are task to coach and treat the “What” matters of the coachee primarily. Questions of the “Who” are largely passed over in the reality that more experience in coaching might be useful when opening the Pandora ’s Box of the “Who.” “Who” issues are defined along with suggested boundaries in coaching/treating the “Who” discoveries. A discussion is also presented on coaching emotions without degenerating into a counseling/therapeutic mode. The 20 minute coaching session (#13) after this presentation is to focus on personality preferences and finding/noting the “Who” issues that emerge.


Section Five - Homework Assignment after Section Five (2) Asynchronous


A group of students are selected to prepare a 10-15 minute skit/presentation that captures the learning of Section Six. An article by Lee Smith and Jeannine Sandstrom, contained in the appendix of the syllabus, is assigned for review/discussion along with viewing a video clip by Daniel Goldman on the phenomena of Emotional and Social Intelligence. The Goldman video provides the backdrop for the discussion on Emotional and Social Intelligence.


Section Six – Harnessing Insightful Intuition, OLC Best Practices, Integrating Emotional/Social Intelligence (19)


Section Six – Introduction (1)


Section Six starts by allowing the team to present the skit/presentation to embed the learnings of Section Five and serve as a lead into the article on Legacy Leadership® by Sandstrom and Lee. Students are to then conduct a 15 minute coaching session around a growing edge from their leadership in light of the 5 Best Practices of Legacy Leadership®. Students are asked to pick a challenging Best Practice and be coached around it to experience how one might use coaching to address leadership development.


OLC Best Practices and Principles (1 ½) Synchronous


Upon reflection of the OLC Coaching Institute with its three levels of training 6 Coaching Best Practices have been distilled. These Best Practices (Nurturers of Dreams and Admission – Liberators of Fear and Doubt – Challengers of Limits and Boundaries – Advocators of Change and Exploration – Acknowledgers of Accomplishment and Effort – Collaborators of Accountability and Responsibility) are outlined and examined to propose a total snapshot of coaching efforts and the intentional space the coach fulfills in moving the coachee toward the “focus” and its accomplishment. OLC Best Practices serve as a set of guiding principles in that they emphasize the “Being” and “Doing” elements embedded in coaching practice. As one observes the OLC Practices carefully there are 6 “Being” and 12 “Doing”elements which are to act as templets for coaches to package coaching skills, objectives and awareness’s. Students are challenged in the class to gather in six groups taking one of the Best Practices, defining each element and discussing how it might be applied to the coaching encounter or show up as relevant to the coach’s approach/awareness.


Harnessing Insightful Intuition (1) Synchronous


Moving toward the OLC Professional level of coaching the Institute now starts to focus on the mystical aspects of the coaching encounter and how “essence” can be pursued in an efficient manner. Calling attention to the area of Insightful Intuition The Competent Course shines light on the importance that intuition plays in coaching and the need for the coach to listen deeply to the still silent voice of its whisper. After a definition is presented the session moves on to examine The 6 Elements of Intuition as “A Direct Route toward Essence.” Each of these elements are defined along with sub-points to suggest what to look for in each element. The Salient Characteristics of Intuition are also posed so that the student can consciously conceptualize the arena of intuition and its subtle depth for insightful inquiree.


Integrating Emotional and Social Intelligence (2) Synchronous


Emotional and Social Intelligence are areas in coaching that are assumed as the entire coach training system is designed to produce. All the skills and aware nesses alluded to heretofore are the object of becoming emotionally and socially connected with the coachee and organically moving the coachee to be EQ to those he/she leads or coaches. EQ is defined and then explored to catalog its characteristics and to challenge coaches to internalize its realities into coaching behavior and to assume its benefits for awareness. The coaching session (#15) that comes at the end of this presentation is to illuminate the “voice of intuition” while attempting to “read” (Integrating Emotional and Social Intelligence) the unspoken concerns, needs, fears, apprehensions, etc. of the coachee, and treat them with insight for inquiree that moves to “essence” more directly with confidence.


Initiating a Coaching Practice (1) Synchronous 


Recognizing that those who have attended The Primer and Competent Coaching Courses are most likely to pursue certification and some level of coaching responsibility, OLC begins the preparation for setting up a coaching practice. While only a limited surfaced course, the basic considerations for setting up a coaching practice are presented. Areas such as coaching focus areas, virtual administration, media platforms/tools, and status of coaching in the world are explored to provide coaches with a place to start for immediate use and perspective. The online resources of OLC are offered as well as those of other helpful media sites. The ICF is again showcased as a learning community as well as the many resources contained therein.


Closing of the OLC Competent Coaching Course (1 1/2) Synchronous


The closing of the OLC Competent Coaching Course includes a review of the objectives listed at the beginning of the course, course evaluation and a final in the room coaching practice session of 20 minutes (#6). Each student is then asked to provide the graduation certificate to their learning partner who has been with them through the course using the skill of acknowledgement as a learned in The Primer Coaching Course.


The OLC Competent Coaching Integration Calls (9) Asynchronous


After the formal thirty four hours of the The Competent Coaching Course, nine hours of telephonic coach training is offered to students who complete the course. During each call two students are allowed to coach for 30 minutes each with feedback both verbally and written. During the coaching sessions coaches are evaluated by the standards of the Core Competencies of the International Coach Federation and are expected to integrate the learning from both The Primer and Competent Courses. In addition to the coaching sessions additional coaching technique and knowledge are provided to continue the learning of the coaches for professional development. The OLC Competent Coaching Course ends with these six sessions and the competency level of students at The Competent Course level and able to engage the Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) at the International Coach Federation.


OLC Competent Terminal Coaching Call Evaluation (2) Asynchronous


The OLC Competent Coach Courses’ final requirement is the submission of a 40-50 minute coaching session using solid ICF Competency Coaching technique and skill. The coach is to listen to his coaching session and fill out a coaching evaluation on him/her self and submit it with the recording. When OLC receives the recording it is evaluated by an OLC credentialed staff member on an OLC Coaching Feedback form. The OLC written and verbal feedback (once the evaluated coach has received the written evaluation from the OLC Evaluator it is followed up with a call to process the evaluation in a one – on – one interview) is to be the most thorough and candid evaluation for the entire Institute and is intended to detail any growing edges along with final Coaching Acknowledgments. The coach should be at this point competent of engage the ICF ACC Certification Process and answer the questions on the Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) at the International Coach Federation.

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